202 Market St.

Saddle Brook, NJ 07663


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Don’t Ignore Your Toothache!

A toothache is trying to tell you something. You may have an infection as a result of tooth decay or trauma to your tooth. There is a natural cavity within your tooth (commonly called a root canal) which contains the nerve of your tooth. Inflammation within that canal is often the source of your toothache. Be aware of the symptoms that may signal the need for a root canal treatment. These include:

  • Radiating pain throughout your jaw
  • Sharp, immediate pain when biting down or chewing
  • Dull, lingering pain after eating hot/cold foods
  • Pressure and dull aching within your tooth and surrounding gums
  • Swollen and tender gums


Root Canal Therapy May Be Necessary to Eliminate That Painful Toothache

While your toothache is signaling to you that something serious is wrong, a root canal can bring rapid healing to the infected areas of your tooth. The positive results of a root canal treatment include:

  • Pinpointing the source of your severe toothache
  • Restoring the ability to chew food without hot/cold sensitivity
  • Saving your tooth and/or gums from damaging infection

Root Canal Therapy May Save Your Tooth and Your Dental Health

If you are noticing any of these symptoms, do not wait to call and schedule an appointment. Action is needed soon to save that tooth.

If  Dr. Sylvia Awadalla and her staff determine that a root canal therapy is needed, the tissue inside your tooth, the nerves, the bacteria, and the tooth decay are all removed. The space that is left will be filled with medicated materials in order to restore the function of your tooth. This procedure will eliminate the need to extract your tooth. In many cases, it will also save you from more expensive procedures at a later date as well as from more severe damage to your surrounding teeth.

Root Canal Therapy Will Control Infection

If your tooth is infected, it will worsen and damage the health of your gums and the teeth surrounding the infected teeth. A root canal is likely the best option for controlling the infection and saving the tooth.

  • It will heal your tooth by removing the infected nerves
  • It will save and strengthen your tooth
  • It will preserve the function of both the infected tooth and the surrounding teeth

What is Involved in a Root Canal?

Root canal therapy will always require at least two appointments. The first appointment will consist of numbing the affected area, isolating the infected tooth, and removing the infected pulp, nerve tissue, and bacteria. Dr. Sylvia Awadalla will check for serious tooth decay and remove it. The cleaned tooth will then be sealed with a permanent or temporary filling depending on the follow-up visits expected by her.

The second appointment will usually take place a week later. At this time, the roots and cavity inside the affected tooth will be filled and permanently sealed. An additional filling will be placed to cover the opening in the tooth and a crown will likely be placed in order to restore full function. This crown will also prevent further infection and protect the treated tooth from breaking.

If you are experiencing a severe toothache, contact us today and let us help you if root canal therapy is necessary for you.


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